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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Chris Smith
2018-07-19 14:30:11

Does anyone know how long Anycubic Resin lasts in ideal storage conditions?


原文網址 Chris Smith
2018-07-19 04:54:49

Is there anyone in here fluent in spanish? I have an Photon user who could use some help but does not speak english.

Hay alguien aquí que esté bien con el español? Tengo un usuario de Photon que necesita ayuda pero no está familiarizado con el inglés


原文網址 Chris Smith
2018-07-10 12:54:44

Looking at maybe getting a Photon for the express purpose of making miniatures at 6mm, I was wondering the level of detail that can be achieved with this printer and what the difficulties with printing that scale might be.

Also if anyone might have an estimate at costs for printing say 5 6mm infantry with resin might be id appreciate that.

So please post your thoughts or pictures related to.
thank you




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