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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jethro Pugh
2019-04-03 13:59:16

Seem to be having an ongoing issue where after moving from a larger surface area to a smaller area the print drifts heavily to one side for a few layers then straightens up again the part that is the same shape as the red line should be straight the whole way up, this was printed flat but at 45 the same issue seems to occur just in different places. Any thoughts on the cause?


Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-04-03 15:25:56

Richard Humble
2019-04-03 18:25:15

Savio Ku
2019-04-04 16:58:59

Jethro Pugh
2019-04-04 17:17:59



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