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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Kasey Wesche
2019-12-04 21:32:23

I dont understand why this is happening. I've reset my z axis 3 times but I'm still getting print fails like this. What am I doing wrong?


Jason Pacheco
2019-12-04 21:41:23

Gary Houser
2019-12-04 21:41:39

Jason Pacheco
2019-12-04 21:43:02

Kasey Wesche
2019-12-04 22:48:29

Mark Wardle
2019-12-05 01:28:30

Kasey Wesche
2019-12-05 21:02:01

原文網址 Kasey Wesche
2019-09-15 22:23:42

I downloaded this file from thingiverse (multiple times) and it shows up looking translucent. When I try to add supports it turns black and will allow auto supports but no custom ones. When I try to slice it, it will disappear completely and only have the supports. What is going wrong?


Grant Weaver
2019-09-15 22:27:16

Pinyo Gulashart
2019-09-15 22:27:36

Steven Dullaert
2019-09-15 22:28:08

Michael Riehl
2019-09-15 22:28:14

George Bulte
2019-09-15 22:29:16

Stefan Giudici
2019-09-15 22:29:22

Tokage Hideto
2019-09-15 22:37:42

Kasey Wesche
2019-09-15 22:51:32

Nicholas Blackie
2019-09-15 23:21:26

Kasey Wesche
2019-09-15 23:22:01

Nicholas Blackie
2019-09-15 23:22:52

Franz Meriles
2019-09-16 05:17:48

Nicholas Blackie
2019-09-16 05:24:07

Franz Meriles
2019-09-16 05:25:51

Szymon Buhajczuk
2019-09-16 05:28:56

Stefan Giudici
2019-09-16 05:48:57

Nicholas Blackie
2019-09-16 10:32:33

Franz Meriles
2019-09-16 13:10:06

Nicholas Blackie
2019-09-16 13:12:12

Franz Meriles
2019-09-16 13:26:45



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