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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 09:20:08

How do i minimize support cleanup? Contact shape sphere, contact depth 0.12mm


Jesse Mouré
2019-10-26 09:22:04

Sam Cunningham
2019-10-26 09:24:18

Russell Butler
2019-10-26 09:24:22

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 09:24:49

Russell Butler
2019-10-26 09:24:55

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 09:26:17

Justin Miller
2019-10-26 09:31:35

Sherri Johnson
2019-10-26 09:32:38

Robert Nisson
2019-10-26 09:33:51

Cory Curtis Merrill
2019-10-26 09:40:47

Sercan Güzel
2019-10-26 09:44:49

Neil Ramsay
2019-10-26 09:48:52

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 09:50:21

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 09:51:26

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 09:52:36

Phillip Stokes
2019-10-26 10:08:44

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 10:09:30

David Smith
2019-10-26 10:24:49

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2019-10-26 10:35:08

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2019-10-26 10:36:49

Chris Bondy
2019-10-26 10:57:57

Olivia Couture
2019-10-26 11:42:42

Chia Yue Nian
2019-10-26 13:27:24

Chris Wilander
2019-10-26 14:08:05

Joel Reid
2019-10-26 14:39:49

Joe Broggio
2019-10-26 15:02:37

Joe Broggio
2019-10-26 15:04:41

Daniel Rowe
2019-10-26 15:19:07

Jim Stephens
2019-10-26 16:20:35

2019-10-26 16:31:59

Snorri Grissomson
2019-10-26 19:00:12

Danny Lloyd
2019-10-26 19:16:58

Danny Lloyd
2019-10-26 19:17:51

Snorri Grissomson
2019-10-26 19:18:26

Snorri Grissomson
2019-10-26 19:19:19

Danny Lloyd
2019-10-26 19:19:50

Snorri Grissomson
2019-10-26 19:20:25

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-26 19:27:32

Ron Mitchell
2019-10-26 21:02:27

James Ogre Tate
2019-10-26 22:36:04

Michael M Thompson
2019-10-26 22:56:48

Ricky Cokely
2019-10-26 23:34:08

Ioan Flerr
2019-10-27 00:30:48

Ty Mansfield
2019-10-27 09:16:53

Ty Mansfield
2019-10-27 09:17:59

Ty Mansfield
2019-10-27 09:18:26

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-27 09:25:22

Ty Mansfield
2019-10-27 09:27:01

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-27 09:35:41

Ty Mansfield
2019-10-27 09:37:49

James Ogre Tate
2019-10-28 19:43:37

Tyler Kutz
2019-10-29 08:41:14

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-29 09:40:52

Charles Rieken
2019-10-29 15:36:57

Phillip Lovelace
2019-10-31 18:21:48

Patrick Smith
2019-11-02 07:34:56

Douglas Rector
2019-11-03 23:38:46

原文網址 Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-18 08:35:09

I have tried printing this Rook about 4 times now. First 2 times was directly on the bed, those failed. Next 2 i raised and added supports, these only print the supports the rest is on the fep. Anycubic green.


Corby Self
2019-10-18 08:46:34

Shayne Webb
2019-10-18 08:50:24

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-18 18:28:16

原文網址 Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-06 06:58:37

What do most use for support settings?


Alexx Butnotalex
2019-10-06 07:04:48

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-06 07:09:17

Alexx Butnotalex
2019-10-06 07:13:07

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-06 07:13:52

Alexx Butnotalex
2019-10-06 07:18:41

Chad Elstad
2019-10-06 07:20:38

Tim Moulton
2019-10-06 08:28:30

Ben De St Paér-Gotch
2019-10-06 18:53:45

Tim Moulton
2019-10-07 01:52:49

原文網址 Kyle Curtsinger
2019-09-30 06:52:09

Prints not sticking to platform.

Got printer last week, unpacked, installer photon slicer, check level, printed test cube. Cube printed good. Loaded mini and sliced, printed good.
Tried different model and chitubox slicer, failed, try again 2nd fail. Loaded mini the worked previously and failed. Went back to photon slicer with small test object and it failed.
Releveled again and another fail.
All my prints are stuck to FEP on fails.
Layer 0.08
Exp 16
Off time 3
Btm exp 70
Btm layers 8
Anycubic green resin


Kyle Curtsinger
2019-09-30 07:01:16

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-09-30 07:46:53

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-09-30 08:14:27

Matt Olsen
2019-09-30 11:17:21

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-09-30 19:59:32

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-09-30 20:00:25

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-01 09:59:21

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-01 09:59:50

Kyle Curtsinger
2019-10-03 10:03:35

Matt Olsen
2019-10-03 10:43:32



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