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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Sarah Guerere
2018-09-30 01:45:26

I just started a 15-16 hour print. How long can I pause the print if I have to go out and can’t fill the vat with more resin?


原文網址 Sarah Guerere
2018-09-24 07:46:44

My print. And loose from the platform!!! ? ? ? how can I fix?


Fred Breton
2018-09-24 07:48:48

John Alvarado
2018-09-24 07:49:50

Mark Wardle
2018-09-24 07:49:52

Chayanin Somton
2018-09-24 07:57:43

Peter Ede
2018-09-24 09:04:46

Gary Hunt
2018-09-24 10:09:20

Sarah Guerere
2018-09-24 10:13:24

2018-09-24 14:58:06

Sen Kun
2018-09-24 15:25:36

Jacob Townsend
2018-09-24 20:18:21

Charlie Anderson
2018-09-24 20:34:30

2018-09-24 20:48:33

Chad Elstad
2018-09-25 07:11:14

Aleksandr Naumov
2018-09-25 07:26:36

原文網址 Sarah Guerere
2018-09-11 21:39:48

My first and second prints. The first was supposed to be big but I forgot to scale it ? ? ?




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