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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 06:17:29

First print with the anycubic gray resin at 0.02 layer height with Anti aliasing x8


Joseph Bushen
2019-06-10 06:32:18

Brian Keith Saunders
2019-06-10 06:49:59

Alan Cardy
2019-06-10 06:54:38

Maxime Mathurin
2019-06-10 07:07:40

Peter Fulton
2019-06-10 07:17:25

Matt Whitaker
2019-06-10 07:41:15

Andrew Kosick
2019-06-10 07:50:08

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 07:54:40

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 07:55:37

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 07:56:12

Alan Cardy
2019-06-10 07:58:32

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 07:58:46

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 07:59:44

Alan Cardy
2019-06-10 08:00:09

Brian Young
2019-06-10 08:01:32

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 08:03:40

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-10 08:04:28

George Bulte
2019-06-10 09:32:47

Jesse Ferguson
2019-06-10 09:37:11

Matt Whitaker
2019-06-10 10:07:06

Troy Tepes
2019-06-10 11:26:31

Mia Kay Bentzien
2019-06-10 12:06:18

Ines Silva
2019-06-10 16:28:21

Peter Martin
2019-06-10 16:42:26

Elle Heilig
2019-06-10 17:21:11

Richard Thomas
2019-06-10 17:28:04

Chris Inkk
2019-06-10 18:18:03

Philippe Maegerman
2019-06-11 00:28:30

Philippe Maegerman
2019-06-11 00:29:19

Zäta Doe
2019-06-12 01:13:14

Krisztián Kis
2019-06-12 20:34:39

原文網址 Krisztián Kis
2019-05-31 02:20:46

So I starting to use Anycubic gray resin with not much successe. I update the firmware for the newest beta version and I use the latest chitubox with medium support. and I use layer heigh: 0.025, exposure time: 11, off time: 3 bottom exposure: 85, bottom layers: 8! So if someone can gime any advice how I can change this to have a successefull print please tell me casue I only have a big blob at the bottom of the resin pool. I had a test print but its really small but I see no problem with it!


Kljunaš Avstralski
2019-05-31 02:46:06

Krisztián Kis
2019-05-31 04:09:55

Paul Churchill
2019-06-01 01:34:12

原文網址 Krisztián Kis
2019-02-09 20:44:53

Hi everyone!
So I'm gonna attempt my first print with the photon! Do I need to hollow the models or do I print it with full infill? Obviously I want to save as much resin as I can but I want to the print will looking good too! Any advice before I start printing? I want to print one of this models because it's have pretty details!


Zena Andreou
2019-02-09 20:49:29

Krisztián Kis
2019-02-09 20:51:24

Gazsó Péter
2019-02-09 20:53:11

Zena Andreou
2019-02-09 20:53:12

Gazsó Péter
2019-02-09 20:59:48

Krisztián Kis
2019-02-09 21:01:58

Zena Andreou
2019-02-09 21:03:13

Krisztián Kis
2019-02-09 21:12:13

Zena Andreou
2019-02-09 21:38:48

Zena Andreou
2019-02-09 21:40:11

Stefan Giudici
2019-02-09 22:46:30

Krisztián Kis
2019-02-09 23:09:48



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